Monday, February 8, 2021

5 Useful Multi-function Disinfection Robots


In the year 2020, the whole world was hit by Corona Virus aka Covid-19. With the worldwide spread of Covid 19, there is an urgent need for an effective solution to offer some ease in the pandemic. That’s where disinfection robots step in. These multifunction robots are effective in cleaning and making the surrounding area germ-free.

Hospitals, banks, and several other industries are benefiting from the exceptional services provided by these robots. Today, we are going to know about some of the most useful robots. Here is the list –


Runner Robot

Runner robot is very useful for places such as schools, shopping malls, and other areas where on ground sterilization is required. It has an Omni-directional laser radar capable of scanning the entire area and then intelligently disinfect the surrounding. The best thing about this robot is the high-capacity lithium battery. The runner robots are perfect Bank Robots for cleaning and distinction of the premises.


UV Savo Robot

Ultraviolet rays are very effective in cleansing airborne diseases and viruses like Covid-19, influenza, measles, and so on. The UV Savo disinfection robots are equipped with a smart ultraviolet disinfectant system with a 99.99% germ kill rate. They are able to make an entire area free from harmful germs and viruses in just a few seconds. It also comes with a built-in AI that helps the robot in easy and precise navigation.


Lavender UV Robot

Just like UV Savo, Lavender UV disinfection Robots are equipped with UV lights. Although both of them are built to overcome airborne diseases by disinfecting the air, they differ in many ways. For instance, Lavender can work with ease in complex areas thanks to its built-in multi-sensors. It also comes with excellent navigation capabilities and a self-charging system.


Box Spray Robot

Box Spray Robots are state-of-the-art machines capable of disinfecting small spaces or rooms to their entirety. These robots are equipped with the latest vision sensors that allow the robots to precisely avoid any obstacle in the way. Box perfect BanBox Spray Robots has an efficient lithium battery capable of delivering up to 10 hours of service.


SPABOT Disinfection Robot

SPABOT is a reliable multi-function robot with high durability and efficient disinfection. It can cover a 10000-meter square space with ease. Just like other robots mentioned above, it is fully automatic navigation with an advanced laser radar system. Its remarkable state-of-the-art technology makes it perfect for any given indoor area.



Disinfection Robots playing a major role during the covid-19 pandemic. They can be installed in offices, hospitals, stations, etc. for thorough cleansing. These robots are acting as great hospital robots, bank robots, and school robots when the world is suffering from the great pandemic.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

6 Ways Service Robots are Beneficial for Human Beings

The service industry has been welcoming a host of technological advancements over the decades, with service robots among the latest additions.

Such robots, as the name suggests, are designed to provide various services to humans. Their tasks in the service industry include the completion of monotonous, tedious, unhygienic, time taking, remote or hazardous jobs. Service robots are different from industrial robots that are created to automate manufacturing processes.

The Purpose of Service Robots

A service robot has been defined by standardization organizations as a robot that takes over certain human tasks, saving time for humans. It operates autonomously via an internal control system that can be manually overridden by the owner if needed. 

It may be completely or partially autonomous, with a somewhat different behaviour in each case. A fully autonomous service robot, like a drone aircraft or delivery robots, doesn’t need humans to intervene or be involved in any manner in order to operate successfully.

On the other hand, partially autonomous robots, such as a bank robot, require human interaction to achieve their tasks with success.

Types of Service Robots Serving Various Industries

Service robots accomplish several kinds of tasks for human beings, and the list of things they can do for us is steadily increasing. This is due to various advancements in the robotics industry that have provided us with increasingly smarter and intelligent as well as affordable robots.

These robots are intended for both professional as well as personal use, from a bank robot to a vacuum bot, and just like the other variants of robots available in the industry, these improve their services with time using data collection and analysis. This, in turn, helps in smoother operations and optimization.

At present, such robots have numerous applications in fields and areas such as the following -

       Wholesale and Retail

Retail service robots are capable of locating incorrect shelf labels and preventing such errors from repeating. Such robots usually work by traversing between aisles and monitoring shelf tags for any errors, using an internal camera system.

       Agriculture and Farming

Agriculture service robots are increasing in demand as they have the potential to be useful in nearly all facets of farming and agriculture. Using cutting-edge sensor technology, agricultural servicing robots can bring extraordinary results when tasked with herbicide application to reduce weeds. Other tasks they can perform perfectly, given the necessary technology, include crop planting and pruning of trees and plants.

       Front Office & Reception

A front office service robot can be employed as a bank robot and programmed to be autonomous. Such service providing robots are perfect for providing service to business clients through adaptable, interconnecting, and interrelating system interfaces.


       Domestic Tasks

Serving robots used for domestic purposes are capable of performing tasks like cleaning the house, mowing lawns, and maintaining swimming pools. They can prove dependable, especially for those with disabilities or seniors.

       Scientific Research & Related Purposes

Robots being used to aid in tasks related to scientific research are typically autonomous, as there may be tasks that humans cannot usually perform or the robots can simply perform better. Slightly different from delivery robots, some excellent examples of autonomous scientific service robots are deep-sea and outer space research robots.

       Robots for Various Events

The event industry is also observing a gradual rise in the use of service robots. Such robots can be tasked with client and visitor interaction at events, which they can do quite brilliantly, impressing attendees throughout the event.


5 Useful Multi-function Disinfection Robots

  In the year 2020, the whole world was hit by Corona Virus aka Covid-19. With the worldwide spread of Covid 19, there is an urgent need for...